Are You Suffering From Back Pain? Avail Physical Therapy For Faster Relief
Back pain can cause severe disruptions in the life of a person. Back pain can be caused due to herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, etc. We believe in treating the cause and not only the symptoms. Physical therapy is a very effective treatment for treating back pain. We have experienced physical therapists at Grasmere Physical Therapy who can provide effective treatment for treating back pain. Our physical therapist will devise a treatment plan based on how you developed the back pain, its precise location, and your medical history. Our main goal is to help you achieve maximum physical potential. We are located in Staten Island, NY. For more information and an appointment, contact our therapists at 718-313-3449 or visit our website
Other contact number:
(718) 313-3449
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Are You Suffering From Back Pain? Avail Physical Therapy For Faster Relief
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Are You Suffering From Back Pain? Avail Physical Therapy For Faster Relief